Sam Ellis

what do you wear to a Catholic funeral

What Do You Wear to A Catholic Funeral?

Funerals whether catholic or not, are considered sober occasions which deserve respect in both the atmosphere (read our article on significance of incense) and the attire. The Catholic Church has a tradition that guides the conduct of affairs including dressing in funerals. So what do you wear to a Catholic funeral? Generally, funeral attire should … Read more

how long after death is a Catholic funeral

How Long After Death Is A Catholic Funeral?

catholic funerals have distinct components guided by the Catholic tradition. These components take place in a given order and are observed the same way across all the mainstream catholic churches. Even though the actual internment takes place a few days after death, there are certain processes that must be followed before the burial. Read on … Read more

how many pallbearers at a Catholic funeral

How Many Pallbearers At A Catholic Funeral?

Pallbearers play a central role in helping to carry the casket during a funeral. You may see some of them in white gloves usually worn to signify respect for the deceased or as a sign of purity. Depending on the underlying tradition of the specific catholic community, you may have both pallbearers and casket bearers. … Read more

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