The Bible says in 1 John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
The ‘confess’ part is key. You can’t just hope that God will forgive you. You have to acknowledge your sins and ask God for forgiveness. Here are some prayers to help you in your confessions.
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4x Best Prayer For Forgiveness

Prayer for Forgiveness of Others
Jesus tells us to first forgive others before we can ask for forgiveness. Mark 11:25 — And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.
Dear Lord, I come to you today seeking your guidance and strength in helping me forgive others who have caused me pain, hurt, or disappointment. I recognize that harboring feelings of resentment and holding onto grudges only serves to burden my heart and hinder my spiritual growth.
I forgive those who have wronged me, deliberately or unintentionally. You command us not to judge anyone. So I release them to you.
Help me let go of any anger, bitterness, or grudges that reside within me. Please grant me the wisdom to understand that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but an act of courage and that by forgiving, I free myself up for the Holy Spirit to dwell in me.
Grant me the ability to empathize with those who have wronged me, to see beyond their actions, and to recognize that they, too, may be struggling with their own challenges and pain. Help me extend the same compassion and forgiveness that I seek for myself.
Thank you for the gift of forgiveness. May your divine wisdom and love continue to guide me on this path of forgiveness and enable me to live a life filled with compassion, peace, and harmony.
In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Repentance
Once you have forgiven others, now you can seek your own forgiveness knowing that your Father in heaven will forgive your trespasses.
Heavenly Father, I humbly come to you to confess my sins and shortcomings. I have gone against your will in actions, thoughts and words. I have strayed from the path of righteousness time and again.
I ask for your forgiveness. Look upon me with mercy and favor. Even though I am undeserving, show me your great compassion and steadfast love. Take away my sin and root out any evil that has taken hold in my heart.
I have been angry, I have lied, I have doubted you word, I have been jealous of others, I have given in to lust and I have been selfish. For these and other sins I am not aware of, I humbly repent and ask for forgiveness.
I regret the wrongs I have done to others and the pain and hurt I have caused them. As I seek your forgiveness, may you also grant them grace to forgive me, too.
Help me, dear Lord, to turn away from the ways that have led me astray and to walk in the path of righteousness. Grant me the strength to resist temptation, to overcome my weaknesses, and to make amends for the wrongs I have committed. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, that I may be empowered to live a life that is pleasing in your sight.
I surrender myself to your will, O God, and I ask for your divine wisdom to discern right from wrong. Lead me on the path of righteousness and help me to align my thoughts, words, and actions with your divine principles. Help me to grow in faith, love, and obedience to your commandments.
Thank you for the gift of repentance and the opportunity to start anew. I commit myself to live a life that glorifies you and to follow your will with all my heart. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
Prayer to Forgive Yourself
We often forget to forgive ourselves, or we don’t even think we need to. So we walk around filled with guilt, regret, shame and other emotions that keep us from fully experiencing God’s grace.
Dear Father, I know your love for me has no limits, that you show undeserved grace towards me and that I am your child.
Right now, I am struggling to feel your love and grace. I feel guilt, regret, sadness and shame for things I’ve done, actions I have not taken, hurtful words I’ve spoken and impure thoughts that have filled my mind. I have wronged others and myself. I carry the weight of my past mistakes, and they weigh heavily on my soul.
Lord, I ask for forgiveness for the sins I have done. I also ask for the grace and strength to forgive myself. Remove the self-condemnation that fills my heart and keeps me from worshiping you.
Help me to truly grasp the depth of your love and grace. Allow me to understand that your forgiveness knows no bounds and that you offer redemption to all who sincerely seek it. Teach me to extend the same compassion to myself that you so freely give.
Please release me from the chains of guilt and self-blame that bind me. Help me to forgive myself as you have forgiven me. Grant me the strength to let go of the past and to embrace a future filled with hope, self-love, and the freedom to grow.
Mend the brokenness within me and restore my sense of self-worth. Help me to see myself through your eyes, as a beloved child of God, worthy of love, forgiveness, and acceptance.
I surrender my pain, guilt, and regret to you, Heavenly Father. I place my trust in your boundless mercy and love. Thank you, dear God, for your unconditional love and forgiveness.
In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen.
Prayer for A Clean Heart
After repentance, it’s important to pray for a renewal of your spirit. Ask God for a clean heart and the strength to resist the devil going forward.
Merciful Father, thank you for the gift of forgiveness. You have lifted the weight of sin off my soul and made me whole again.
But I know I am still made of flesh and I live in a world full of temptations. I’ll need your strength and wisdom to overcome sin.
I ask that you create in me a clean heart, that you renew my spirit so I can remain in the path of righteousness. Grant me the strength to resist temptation and the wisdom to discern right from wrong.
I pray for a transformed heart and a renewed mind. Remove any hardness of heart, pride, or resistance to change within me. Help me to live a life that reflects your love, forgiveness, and compassion.
Help me to guard my heart diligently, being mindful of the influences and people that can lead me astray. Fill me with your word and Holy Spirit, so that my thoughts and desires align with your perfect will.
I surrender myself to you. Use me as your vessel. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.