Catholic Answers

difference between catholic and episcopal

What Is The Difference Between Catholic And Episcopal?

The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican communion. Almost all members of the church are in the United States.  The Episcopal Church is best known for their support of liberal causes including LGBTQ equality, same sex marriages, repeal of the dealth penalty, and racial reconciliation.  Sometimes, the church’s actions have gone against the Anglican … Read more

is leaving the catholic church a sin

Is Leaving The Catholic Church A Sin?

Up until 2010, Catholics could apply to formally defect from the Catholic Church. They had to send in a formal act of defection to the bishop of their baptismal diocese.   A note would then be made in your baptism register, noting your desire to leave the church.  Today, the only way to leave the Church … Read more

how long does a soul stay in purgatory

How Long Does A Soul Stay In Purgatory?

The concept of purgatory is not unique to Catholicism. Even before Jesus’s life on earth, Judaism had the same concept – a place called Gehenna where the wicked suffer to atone for their sins and purify them for entry into heaven.  In the Catholic Church, purgatory is a place (or a form of existence), where … Read more

Symbol of Provision of Basic Needs

Why Do Catholics Cross Themselves?

Catholics are so used to crossing themselves to the extent that other people don’t stop to ask them what they mean when they make the sign of the cross. Simply, the sign of the cross is a religious gesture that shows the person is Catholic. Throughout popular culture, film, and even sports, people make the … Read more

roles in the catholic church

Roles In The Catholic Church: Who Is Who?

The Catholic Church is among the few religious organizations that have solid structures with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. Whether one is an ordained or non-ordained member, they can fit in one area of service or the other. An ordained person refers to a member of the Catholic Church who has received the sacrament of … Read more

How Do You Release A Soul In Purgatory

What Is The Difference Between Demon And Devil?

While demons and the devil exist in various religions in different forms, these supernatural beings are most prevalent in Christianity.  The devil is seen as the enemy of all that’s holy and righteous, the antithesis and adversary of God.  Demons are often regarded as the devil’s agents, responsible for maladies, disasters and tempting humans to … Read more

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