Parenting is a lifelong job; it doesn’t end even when our kids become independent adults. Unfortunately, there’s no shortage of vices waiting to destroy the lives of our loves ones. As children of God and hopeful parents, here are a few prayer points to help us all plead the Blood of Jesus against alcoholism.
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5x Prayer for An Alcoholic Son

Divine Intervention
Dear Lord, I thank you for the abundant blessings you have graciously bestowed on me and my family. But Father, I come before you today with a lot of pain in my heart. Pain for my son whose addiction to alcohol threatens to destroy his young life.
Father, I am powerless and turn to you for divine intervention. I call upon your name so you may show yourself to my boy before things spiral out of control. Fill him with your divine power and break the evil chains of his terrible addiction from within.
Even though he has strayed from the righteous path, I know you have plans for all your children. I pray for your grace and mercy Dear Lord, that you may work a miracle and create a new spirit within my son’s heart. Your word tells us that any tree not planted by God shall and will be uprooted. Help me remove the root of drinking from my boy’s heart and replace it with your everlasting peace. In Jesus’s name I pray,
Restoration of Health
Lord Jesus, we thank you for this miraculous song you gifted us. We are eternally grateful for the life you breathed into us and will continue to serve your Holy Name. I come before you now to ask for mercy on behalf of my son who has put his own life in jeopardy by overindulging in alcohol.
1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us that our bodies are temples for the Spirit of Holiness who dwells within us. Father, I know you’ve given people far less yet they remained faithful and thankful to you. I pray you may forgive my son’s self-indulgence and restore his earthly temple to your Holy image.
Please blot out his transgressions, shower him with your mercy and grant him strength as he battles the demons of addiction. Grant him resolve to stop abusing your holy vessel as you work on both his mental and physical health. In your blood may he be born anew and like the 10th leper who came back to say thank you, he will never forget that he serves a God of mercy and healing. In your son’s name we ask for restoration,
Rebuking the Demon of Addiction

Almighty creator of heaven and earth, we can upon your Holy name today to lead us into a righteous battle. As more and more of your flock struggles to overcome the curse of alcohol addiction, we lift up all those ensnared by this ungodly dependence on drink.
Dear Lord, my own son has become a slave to the bottle, and unable to shake the demon from his shoulders no matter how hard he tries. We pray you may shine your Holy light upon him and chase away all the demons hidden in the shadows. The Book of Isaiah 40 reminds us how you give power to the weak, for they shall not grow weary or utterly fall no matter how tough the journey.
In your grace Lord Jesus, we ask that you grant our boy strength to face his addiction head on. Draw out the slavery to alcohol and replace the vice with an all new dependency on Jesus, Who died on the cross so that all those who believe in Him will be saved from damnation… and in Whose name we pray and believe,
Good Company
Heavenly Father, we thank you for holding our son’s hand as he struggles to overcome his addition. We ask that you may deliver him from bad company, fake friends and drinking peers as he finds his own path in life. Let my boy be surrounded instead by people with good morals who want the best for him.
The Book of 1 Corinthians 15:33 tells us not to be deceived; for bad company corrupts good character… evil communication corrupts good manners. So as you bless my son with righteous friends who are tenacious in their faith, may you also show his other friends the light so that your joy and peace can spread to parents everywhere. We pray this trusting and believing,
Thank you Jesus, thank you Lord. I am grateful for all the blessings you have showered upon me and my family. In the Book of Philippians 1verse 6, you promise us that you will finish the good work you started within us, and we have seen this miracle manifest.
We thank you for helping our son on the way to recovery from his alcohol addiction. You lifted his lost spirit from the miry clay and saved his soul from the pit of despair. Today, I ask you to hold onto him with Your righteous hand and continue guiding him down the holy path.
You are indeed a God of Your word, and we have felt your presence all throughout this journey. We see our boy before us today, a testament of all the wonders and miracles you continue to perform on our lives. We praise your Holy name forever and ever,
Final Word
Hello my fellow parents, guardians and caretakers. We’d like you to know that you are not alone in this painful journey. These prayers and others like them echo passionately in all corners of the globe, among all walks of life as we all call upon God to save and guide our sons.
Today’s lifestyle and alarming levels of exposure have our boys doing drugs at a very young age. Alcoholism and other forms of addiction are a disease that affects both the body and mind.
So dear mothers and fathers, please insist on your son’s life, remain persistent and engage these prayers for your son to finally break the shackles of addiction.
Encourage our young men to join the flock and surround themselves with the right company. It’s in this way that we can start a chain reaction that will create strong, upright men, who will be the fathers, leaders, and visionaries of tomorrow – an inspiration for the next generation.
Please help me pray for our only son (27)who doesn’t drink often but when he does he gets mean and in trouble. Presently we are dealing with another situation. Please lift our family up in prayer 🙏
I will pray from him. My son is the same way doesn’t drink daily but doesn’t know when to stop once he starts drinking. Then he can’t remember what he has done.
Lord Jesus, I lift up to you your beloved daughter Janet and her son and I pray for your mercy Lord. Pour out your precious blood let it permeate every cell of their body bringing healing and peace wherever it is needed. Our Lady of Sorrows wrap your mantle of protection around them bring them consolation and graces they need..Deepen their faith Jesus deepen their trust in you..Jesus I trust in you.Amen
Thank you for these prayers for my 28 year old son who is suffering with addiction of alcohol I ask the Lord above please please help him he has a 5 &4year old who he hasn’t seen for two in half years please I pray for a blessing in disguise Amen
Dear singles mothers and fathers, who have raised children for over 40 years. My son is a chronic alcoholic. My heart aches every time he drinks. He gets so drunk to the point he doesn’t know what he’s doing or saying. I am desperately afraid that one day my son my die in his sleep, or he may do something terrible and end up in jail for year, or end up so sick that he would have to be kept in a place where people would look after him. Please pray for my dear son, so he can sober up with the help of Father God. Please pray for him in the precious name of the the Son, Christ Jesus. Amen.
Lord Jesus, I lift up to you your beloved daughter Kathie and her son . I pray for your mercy Lord. Pour out your precious blood let it permeate every cell of their body bringing healing and peace wherever it is needed. Our Lady of Sorrows wrap your mantle of protection around them bring them consolation and graces they need..Deepen their faith Jesus deepen their trust in you..Jesus I trust in you.Amen
Please pray for my 20 year old son who is addicted to Alcohol and in denial he drinks every single day.I’m sick with worrying over him I’ve tried just about everything and am so hurt and very concerned about his addiction.I am begging for help praying for him. I do believe in the power of prayer.thank you all❤️❤️❤️
Lord Jesus, I lift up to you your beloved daughter Carol and her son and I pray for your mercy Lord. Pour out your precious blood let it permeate every cell of their body bringing healing and peace wherever it is needed. Our Lady of Sorrows wrap your mantle of protection around them bring them consolation and graces they need..Deepen their faith Jesus deepen their trust in you..Jesus I trust in you.Amen
I have two sons…36 and 31…both in trouble with booze….one facing possible jail time one fighting another demon
…..found a friend who committed suicide…he cannot get it out of his mind and on a good track. They r both good people….just can’t get them to see how Booze is ruining their lives. Please pray I or someone finds the right words to make them hear and see what they need to hear and see. Thank you.
Please pray for my 43 year old son who continues to drink alcohol even though it has caused him numerous legal issues, family issues and employment issues. I pray that you reach for him with your mercy and grace and help him release the Desmond of alcohol from his life. Father , I need a miracle, please ray for my son.
Lord Jesus, I lift up to you your beloved daughter Sylvia and son and I pray for your mercy Lord. Pour out your precious blood let it permeate every cell of their body bringing healing and peace wherever it is needed. Our Lady of Sorrows wrap your mantle of protection around them bring them consolation and graces they need..Deepen their faith Jesus deepen their trust in you..Jesus I trust in you.Amen
Pray for my son who is an alcoholic for so many years today,,, please help me my heart aches
Need prayers for my family and son who is an alcoholic. We’ve tried for years to help but things are worse than ever, to where we’ve had to make him leave our home. This is our last resource to have him get help. Our hearts are broken and we live in fear for his safety and health. Please send prayers.
Pray for my son who drinks everyday .He works all the times and he’s a good provider but he’s ex-girlfriend left him and he hasn’t seen he’s 4 little girls .He had seen them in some occasions but as of right now it’s been. Like 5 months He calls them every day but don’t answer He gets depress and lonely but he doesn’t stop drinking he went to rehab one time and was doing good but it wasn’t enough time as soon that he got out a week after starting drinking again .I’m all stress out I tell him to get help but he doesn’t want to cause he says he has to work to provide for them.It hurts me to see him hurting himself like that destroying he’s health I pray everyday for him to go get help.please pray for him.In Jesus name.
Lord Jesus, I lift up to you your beloved daughter Nataliat and her son and family I pray for your mercy Lord. Pour out your precious blood let it permeate every cell of their body bringing healing and peace wherever it is needed. Our Lady of Sorrows wrap your mantle of protection around them bring them consolation and graces they need..Deepen their faith Jesus deepen their trust in you..Jesus I trust in you.Amen
Pray for my son who drinks everyday .He works all the times and he’s a good provider but he’s ex-girlfriend left him and he hasn’t seen he’s 4 little girls .He had seen them in some occasions but as of right now it’s been. Like 5 months He calls them every day but don’t answer He gets depress and lonely but he doesn’t stop drinking he went to rehab one time and was doing good but it wasn’t enough time as soon that he got out a week after starting drinking again .I’m all stress out I tell him to get help but he doesn’t want to cause he says he has to work to provide for them.It hurts me to see him hurting himself like that destroying he’s health I pray everyday for him to go get help.please pray for him.In Jesus name.
I need prayers for my son who is “trying” to quit but not sure that is true. He wreaked like alcohol today. I asked him if he had drank anything and he said last night they had. He was showered and looked great. He wasn’t drunk. I am extremely concerned about him. He said 1/1/2024 is his day to be done with the alcohol. I am worried about him quitting on his own. He says he can do it but then I know alcoholics lie about what they drink and wanting to quit. I need the Lord to help us ALL out with our sons! I pray to you dear Lord help these beautiful souls that are so much better than the life they are leading now! Please Lord, thank you!
Lord Jesus, I lift up to you your beloved daughter Shannon and her son and I pray for your mercy Lord. Pour out your precious blood let it permeate every cell of their body bringing healing and peace wherever it is needed. Our Lady of Sorrows wrap your mantle of protection around them bring them consolation and graces they need..Deepen their faith Jesus deepen their trust in you..Jesus I trust in you.Amen
Please pray for my son and husband. My son lives here at home with me and my husband. My son and husband are both alcoholics. Their addictions have become really bad this past year. They both drink heavily every day. It breaks my heart to see them living this way. They are amazing people, but this addiction has a strong hold on both of them. Lord, please help them! Thank you, Lord.
Lord Jesus, I lift up to you your beloved daughter Many and her son and husband I pray for your mercy Lord. Pour out your precious blood let it permeate every cell of their body bringing healing and peace wherever it is needed. Our Lady of Sorrows wrap your mantle of protection around them bring them consolation and graces they need..Deepen their faith Jesus deepen their trust in you..Jesus I trust in you.Amen
I am a mother of a 51 year old son who is a alcoholic but he won’t admit it. Untill he does, I don’t know if he can be helped.He doesn’t speak to us, we or I am his problem. God is able to reach him, I believe that. Please help me pray for him
Lord Jesus, I lift up to you your beloved daughter Barbara and her son and I pray for your mercy Lord. Pour out your precious blood let it permeate every cell of their body bringing healing and peace wherever it is needed. Our Lady of Sorrows wrap your mantle of protection around them bring them consolation and graces they need..Deepen their faith Jesus deepen their trust in you..Jesus I trust in you.Amen
Please pray my son who is 44 and has been an alcoholic since his early 20’s. I’ve tried everything. He can’t keep a job because if his drinking. His health is suffering. He doesn’t have any friends. My heart is breaking for my son.
Please pray for son who is an alcoholic and does not want to admit him. I am powerless. I have prayed so much but it is getting worse. I pray for a breakthrough and believe God is working on him as I write this prayer. In Jesus name .Amen