Once born with the gift of sight, no one would want to lose it. It is difficult to imagine oneself not being able to see the beauty of the world, one’s loved ones and all the amazing works of God. Illness brings about pain and sorrow. Everyone wants to be happy in this life, to have good health and above all to be able to see properly. Here are a few prayers for eye surgery.
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3x Prayer For Eye Surgery

Prayer for Surgeons and their Equipment
God the Creator of the universe, we put the surgeons into your hands. From their preparation to get into the operating room and perform the surgery, to the time the surgery is completed, be with them. Lord, you gave them the skills and talents to treat. Open their minds and hearts so that they may take on this work with love, knowledge, patience and compassion. Lord Jesus be their driving force, lead them as they follow because when You are in charge everything goes smoothly.
Many times we are worried about this delicate procedure. One simple mistake and everything else goes wrong. Some of the experiences we have heard of or seen with eye surgeries Lord are not encouraging. Most of the time we are worried that something might go wrong during the whole procedure. Some of our worries are that a trainee might be the one to take on the job, or that the surgeon might accidentally touch a part in the eye that is not supposed to be touched. God we plead with you to give us peace and to prevent such occurrences.
Lord direct the surgeon’s hand during the entire course of the surgery. Protect all the equipments that will be used. Sterilize them in a special way so that as they cut the flesh open and patches it back afterward, no damage will be done. God give the surgeons not only calm hearts but also sharp minds to perform the surgery without causing any harm. Allow them to locate the site of disease and remove it. Allow them to act as extensions of Your healing hands. Just as they have performed other successful operations, let this one add to their long list of successful operations.
Prayer for the Sick
Lord we entrust the sick into your hands. No one wishes to be sick or to go through the knife. Circumstances lead us to the hospital. We pray for those who need to go for eye surgeries to correct the wrong in their bodies. Lord God, You are the unfaltering refuge of all who suffer. Rain your calming peace and comfort to all those who are ill.
Our Mother, Queen of the Rosary, we commit their bodies into your hands from the time they fall unconscious under the anesthetic, as they are placed on top of the operating table, as their eyes are put under the surgeon’s knives, throughout the lifesaving procedure and even after the whole process and they are taken to the recovery room.
In Your word Lord, we ask you to be gracious and merciful to us and heal us because we have sinned against you. Psalms 41:4. Jesus You carried our sins in Your body to the cross, so that free from sins, we might live for righteousness. It is by Your wounds that we have been healed. 1st peter 2:24
Almighty God, King of kings and Lord of lords, we beseech You to remove any fear or doubt from their minds and hearts. “What if it doesn’t go well? Will I be able to accept the fact that I can’t make use of my eyes ever again?” We reject such thoughts In Jesus Name. Everything will be okay in Your Name. Let them find comfort in Your Holy Word. Just like in the book of Psalms 23:3-4, Lord You give us new strength and guide us in the right paths as you promised. That even if we go through the deepest of darkness, we shan’t be afraid, for You are with us Lord and that Your shepherd’s rod and staff will protect us.
Lord we pray that they find favor before all people they meet including the ophthalmologist and nurses but above all You, so that as they see them they’ll see an object of mercy and favor. Let their miraculous experience act as a sign of hope to others who are in doubt, so that they too can believe and have faith that Lord You are the healer.
Your only son Jesus took upon himself all the pain, sufferings and weaknesses of mankind by dying on the cross. Look upon all those who are ill. In the midst of all pain, may they trust upon the Lord who heals both body and soul. May they believe in the promise to those who suffer and their health fully restore. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we pray.
Thanksgiving Prayer
We thank you for the gift of life. We thank you for good health and the gift of sight. Lord we give you thanks and praise because upto now we have had the light of the body which is the eyes. Through them we have been able to do good and see beautiful things that you created and the ones which man has been able to create and build through Your skills and talents.
Virgin Mary, we ask you to forgive us for the evil things we have done through the eyes of God. They say the eye is the root of all evil. For one to sin then the eye must have seen. For us to go contrary to the Ten Commandments then the eye must be involved in one way or another and that’s why we ask for forgiveness and pray that You alone who is beyond understanding to help us live according to Your will.
Lord after the surgery is complete we will come to you with songs of praise for the restored health. We will enter Your gates with thanksgiving in our hearts, we will enter Your courts with praise. We’ll say this is the day that the Lord has made and We’ll rejoice for You have made us glad. We will thank you for yet another chance at life that we may continue to serve and give glory to Your Name. Lord we will thank tou for yet another chance to have lufe and spend more time with our loved ones.
Final word
Eye problems affect the normalcy of one’s life because they can cause blindness or poor vision. Most people don’t want to go for surgeries because of fear of the unknown.
That is not the solution to these problems that darken the light of our lives. All we need to do is to entrust the whole process in God’s hands.
Anyone with an eye problem should be courageous enough and face their fears. Go for an eye check up before things get out of hand. Always trust in God. Even when a surgery is required be optimistic.
Before stepping into the operating room say a prayer together with your loved ones and surely everything will go well and according to God’s will.
If you’re looking for more prayers like this, you can find them here or here, or read these St. Barbara prayers for surgery.