Prayer for my cousin is a great way to show that you love and care about them.
If you were lucky enough to grow up with cousins, you know how precious and valuable they are. The beautiful memories you created and stories you shared in your childhood compares to none. That’s why cousins make forever friends whether you have siblings or not.
And the best part about these kinsmen is that you can go for long time without seeing or even speaking to each other, but you can pick it up where you left off with no hard feelings or awkwardness.
So if your cousin is going through a rough patch in life, it’s only natural that you’d want to help in any way you can. This could be anything – sickness, heartbreak, bereavement, losing a job or facing challenging times in life.
One way to support your loved one is through prayers. Lift them in prayer and trust God will work out everything for His gracious purpose.
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4x Prayer For My Cousin

Encouraging Prayer For a Sick Cousin
Dear God, the Great Physician, the Healer of body, mind and soul, I humbly come before Your holy presence today to ask for my cousin’s healing and restoration. Your word says whatever we ask in faith, we shall receive. I’m asking on behalf of my lovely cousin to please take away whatever is ailing him/her and restore them to wholeness.
It really pains me to see what my beloved cousin is going through and there is nothing I can do about it. Please look upon them with your eyes of mercy and ease their suffering. May Your tremendous healing power flow in every cell of their body, mind and soul. Be near them in this trying time and make Your presence be known in their lives. Grant them strength to overcome this adversity and courage to walk the path You have prepared for them. Fill their heart with hope that only You can provide. Help them know they are not alone in their suffering and to focus on Your great love and power.
You are sovereign over all things, illness included. So I know there is no sickness You can’t heal if it is Your will precious Jesus. Bless my cousin with Your compassionate care and love as they continue to fight this illness. I put my hope in You Heavenly Father and it is in Your holy name I pray. Amen.
Prayer For a Cousin Going Through a Difficult Time
Almighty Father, thank You for blessing me with such an incredible cousin and an even better human being. I feel so lucky to have shared so many amazing memories with (name of cousin). They have been a true blessing in my life. It saddens to see them going through a difficult situation. Lord, I know You didn’t promise us an easy life, but You promised to never leave us. So I ask You to carry my cousin through this hardship.
Give them strength and courage to endure this difficulty and wait patiently on You. Grant them Your amazing grace and perfect peace within their hearts that only You can provide. Teach them not to lean on their own understanding but rather trust You and Your plans. Remind them that all things work together for good even when they don’t understand it. Open their eyes to see what You see.
Help them know that they can always turn to You for help when the storm becomes heavier. You are a merciful and gracious God. I know You will never turn Your back on those who call upon You. There is truly no God like You. Thank You for Your steadfast love and mercy. It is through Your son Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Prayer to Heal My Cousin’s Broken Heart
Gracious Father, thank You for loving us despite our imperfections and human weaknesses. Thank You for the gift of love and life. I know it’s not Your will or intention for us to suffer for love because everything You created is good and beautiful. My cousin is deeply hurting and needs You now more than ever. I can see and feel their pain, but there is nothing I can do or say that can make the pain go away. There is only so much I can do. I feel helpless. Powerless. It really hurts to watch them suffer like this. It doesn’t seem fair what is happening to (cousin’s name).
Father of mercies and God of all comfort, You are the only one who truly knows and understands what they are going through. You are the only one who can comfort them. I pray that You heal their broken heart. Make Your presence be known so they may feel Your tender touch. Enfold them with Your never-failing, never-changing love.
Flood their heart and mind with peace and comfort that transcends all understanding. Guide them towards making the right decisions in every aspect of their life. Give them strength to forge ahead despite the pain. Remind them that this too shall pass and You will restore their joy again. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer Father. In Your Holy name I pray. Amen.
Prayer For a Cousin Who Has Lost Their Job or Business
Sovereign and Precious God, my lovely cousin recently lost their job and they are a mess. The news has hit them hard and it’s really taking a toll on them. Please come to their rescue dear Father. Look upon this loved one with Your eyes of mercy and compassion. Calm their troubled, worrying heart and show them the best way through the situation.
Help them to trust You to care for them and provide all that they need. May they depend on You for wisdom and patience, and not rely on their own strength. Darkness doesn’t last forever; the sun will always rise. I know You are busy working behind the scenes to turn their situation around.
Be with them just like You were with Joseph in prison. Grant them favor in the eyes of potential employers and open their eyes to see profitable business opportunities. I believe everything will work out for the glory of Your name. I place my confidence in You because You are true and faithful. In the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit I pray, Amen.