Marriage is a wonderful way to express love for one another. A man and a woman come together to become one. This journey is not easy and that is why we should always commit to God’s hands to help us live together according to His will in love, peace and harmony.
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7x Prayer for Newly Married Couple
Thanksgiving Prayer
Lord Jesus, we want to thank you for the gift of marriage. Thank you for giving us one another, help us to live with love and happiness, and to always do only that which pleases You. Thank you that we are now one. Thank you for fulfilling our dreams and your promises to us, we are truly grateful.
When we started dating, it was always a dream of ours to one day get engaged and eventually walk down the aisle together. What more could we ask for? It is a prayer answered. The church wedding is a blessing and we thank you Lord that everything turned out great. We thank you for all our friends, family and people who were in attendance to witness our vows to You and to one another.
Thank you Lord that the event was a success, for all those who supported us financially, return to them a hundred fold. Those who supported us in prayers, we thank you. For all those who made the wedding event a success starting with the officiating priest to the wedding planner, all those who had roles and took them upon their hearts to fulfill them and those who took their time to make sure they came to celebrate with us, we are very grateful Lord. You alone are able to repay them for their efforts. We don’t take it for granted. Thank you Lord.
We thank you for the gift of life and the gift of one another. It was your will for us to meet, fall in love and end up together as a married couple. Ever since we knew each other, we have seen your goodness towards us. You have always been there all step of the way. Thank you for always taking care of us and protecting our relationship even during the times when things went south. Thank you Lord Jesus for all.
Prayer to Put God First
Holy Spirit, we invite you into our marriage, come and take control. We welcome you into our lives and even the lives of our future children. Help us to always put You first above everything else. Give us the will and power to train our children well and to introduce them to You first so that they will grow up to be God fearing, to love and serve You. Help us to be always hopeful and to trust in Your will. For the times that we have put ourselves and others above You please pardon us. For all the times we have dreamt about our future hopes and plans without involving you, forgive us. Let us always put you first in all. In Jesus Name.
Prayer for Respect and Wisdom
Almighty father, teach us a great respect and reverence for one another, because you are living in us. Help us to respect each other’s opinion and correct one another whenever we do wrong. Help us to accept corrections and to always respect ourselves because our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Lord give us wisdom to be able to understand each other. Help us to be able to solve issues and plan our lives ahead of us wisely. Give us a deeper understanding of what marriage truly entails so that we can do things to please you.
Prayer for Love, Peace and Joy
Heavenly father, help us to live in love, peace and with happiness. Your son Jesus Christ loved us so much that He died on the cross to set us free. Grant that love may prove mightier than all the weaknesses and trials through which we may sometimes pass. Make our home a peaceful small heaven where You dwell so that anyone who meets us or comes to our home would immediately feel your presence and be happy to be part of our lives. Give us happiness and let us live with joy to love and serve you.
Prayer for communication and honesty
Father Lord, help us to grow closer to each other and communicate better. Whenever we are not contented or happy show us to be open and truthful as in John 17:17. Help us to do and say everything with absolute honesty and be completely transparent with each other. Help us to always come clean whenever we mess up. Help us to also be truthful about our past which may sometimes affect our present. Help us to also dream about the future together. Help us to always dwell in your word, Colossians 3:9-10 and be honest at all times with one another.
Prayer for forgiveness and restoration
God you are a forgiving Lord, whenever we wrong You and come back to You in repentance, you are always merciful. Give us the same heart to forgive each other whenever we feel hurt and offended. Help us not to bring our past failures whenever we wrong each other but to show mercy and compassion like You do. Help us to be an example to the people around us and our future children of what forgiveness is. Whenever we have petty fights and misunderstandings help us to solve them and be able to restore back our marriage. Help us to be faithful to one another and live as you have wanted us to live. To have forgiving hearts and to always mend our relationship whenever we feel like giving up.
Prayer to maintain our marriage vows
Lord, we want to thank you for the gift of our lives. We pray that you will grant us good health at all times. Help us to maintain our marriage vows to one another and most especially to you. During our marriage we promised to love, honor, cherish each other, in bad times and good times, when sick and when healthy, we promised to always be there for one another. Please help us to stick to them.
Help us to be united and not allow anything or anyone to come between us. Give us a strong bond of unity just like You are united in the Holy Trinity. Help us to be one spirit and mind and set aside our pride and selfishness so that we can serve each other and You. Show us where we need to improve in order to make our marriage stronger.
We come against the spirit of division and confusion, that attacks from the evil one will not stand in our marriage. We pray that we will not have conflicts that would divide us. Help us to put each other’s happiness ahead of our own so that we won’t engage in bad vices that would upset our partner. Help us to always seek refuge in you whenever we experience any problem in our new journey. Help us not to grow bored of one another but to always be more intimate. May we live many years together in joy and peace.
Lord Jesus, let us not take these vows for granted, but instead fulfill them. We pray that Your Holy Mother, Mary, present throughout Your life, may be present in our marriage.
And if you’re looking for more similar prayers, here is one for an unfaithful husband, for victims of domestic abuse, and one for safe delivery.