Parents play an important role in our lives. They bring us to this world, raise us and nurture us. It is important that we dedicate them to the Lord to give them strength and ability to continue taking care of us so that when they age, we can switch roles and take care of them.
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3x Prayer for Parents’ Health

Prayer to Give Thanks
God our creator, we want to thank you for the gift of our parents. Thank you for their lives and health. Lord you have been with them and taken care of them. You have protected them and provided for them. You have blessed them with children to take care of and they have been faithful enough to take care of the children. We are grateful for all the blessings you have bestowed upon them. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Parents are not only the biological ones. There are others who are parents to many that don’t have any connection to. We thank you also for those parents. You have entrusted your children to them and they took them as their own and treated them with love. Continue to bless them and provide for them. Grant that their hearts continue to be pure and compassionate just like yours Lord.
Lord there are others who have not been privileged to get children but they so desire to become parents. We thank you for them and pray that your will and theirs will meet so that they may also receive this blessing of parenthood. Thank you that they know you alone have the power to make it happen for them. Continue guiding and protecting them and fulfill their heart’s desires because your yes is what will open the doors of parenthood to them.
We also pray for those who have not been blessed with parents. Either they were abandoned or their parents died. We thank you that you continue to be with them. You have said that you are the father of orphans. Thank you for always providing for them whatever they need. Heal their hearts and help them lead a Godly life. Thank you as well for those who have parents. Thank you that you placed parents in their lives to take care of them. We are grateful and do not take this for granted. Lord when we start to count our blessings, we realize that your love for us is beyond our understanding.
Lord thank you for the wonderful example they have given us. They have been role models to us and have led us towards you. They have set a Godly example to us. They love you first and foremost and have lovingly nudged us to turn to you in all circumstances in our lives. They have taught us to pray and read the Bible day by day. Thank you for placing them in our lives and giving us the opportunity to learn so much from them. They have been strong pillars in our lives trying the very best they can to take care of us and give us the best of everything. We are truly grateful for our parents and help us to show them how much we appreciate them. Thank you Lord for everything.
Prayer Asking for Forgiveness
God Almighty, we humbly come before you guilty of so many things. We have done mistakes and have fallen short of your glory. Forgive us for the sins we have committed, for what we have said, done and what we have failed to do. Pardon us dear Lord. We remember our parents Lord. They are human beings and they too make mistakes. We pray that you may forgive them their sins and help them to live according to your will.
Most of the times we argue and say hurtful words to each other. Sometimes we feel that our parents don’t support our decisions and judge us harshly. The same is true for our parents. They also feel that we are disrespectful and we don’t want to take the path that they think is best for us. Most of the time we argue about careers, lifestyle and partners. We ask you Lord Jesus to forgive us. Forgive them for not understanding us and forgive us for not understanding them. Grant them and us forgiving hearts so that we can always accept each other’s choices in life and only correct what is wrong in God’s eyes. Forgive us dear Lord for all the times we made our parents sad.
Dear Lord for the sake of your sorrowful passion, we ask you to forgive their sins, especially those that have caused any form of sickness or disease in their bodies and harm their health. We humbly ask you to send forth your Holy Spirit and let the light of truth penetrate into the deepest recesses of their souls so that they may know and realize their sinfulness and make a complete act of contrition before you. Lord for the sake of their descendants have mercy on them.
Prayer for Health
Lord we thank you for the gift of their health this far. Grant that their health continues to be good. Supply their needs and give them strength. They are not getting any younger Lord. As they continue to age, grant them strength so that they can be able to deal with the physical challenges of their aging bodies. You are our strength Lord. Let them draw strength from you in order to sustain their health.
Sweet Jesus bless them with happiness and peace. A peaceful, undisturbed and calm mind and heart is always a remedy for health sustainability. Lord keep them in your care. They have been good to us, loved us and taken care of us. In a special way reward them for being good parents. Give them long and happy life surrounded by the people that love them. Let them spend their remaining years being happy and peaceful. Let them have health of mind, body and soul even as they grow older.
Lord Jesus, you went about healing those who were sick. You opened the eyes of the blind, cleansed the lepers, and by a simple command, you empowered the cripple to rise up and walk. We surrender our parents who are sick from terminal diseases. We surrender their lives and health into your loving hands. We ask you to send forth your healing power upon them. Root out every sickness and disease. Heal them and let them enjoy the remaining years of their lives free from the bondage of sickness.
Lord we come to you asking for your protection. Protect our parents from danger and harm. Guide and protect them, in their going in and coming out be with them. As they are getting older by the day, keep your loving arms around them and draw them even closer to you. They have played a very big role in protecting their children from being babies to becoming adults Lord and now they also need that protection from you. Most especially protect their health and keep them safe from all evil.
God be with them and surround them with your presence. We place them in your hands. Open their hearts to trust your constant care. Watch over them with tender love and keep them close to one another and to us.
We now plead with ever Virgin and Mother of God to intercede for us to the Lord our God. We pray all these through Christ our Lord.
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