Whether it’s your spouse’s sister or your own sibling, sisters are one of the most powerful gifts from God. And there’s nothing nobler than wanting the best for new members of your family. Here are a few prayers for sisters in law that ask God to bless, cure, support, and bring them closer to us.
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3x Prayer For Your Sister In Law

Our Father, creator of heaven and earth, I want to thank you so much for all that you have given me. I feel extremely blessed for the good life that I have as well as all the people you’ve placed in it. In addition to supporting my dreams and guiding me in the way you want me to live, I know that you are always looking out for me and mine.
But on this glorious day King of kings, I come before you, not for myself, but on behalf of my sister in law. She is undoubtedly among the most crucial people you’ve put in our lives. I want to thank you for expanding our family; I lift sis upto you for your Holy blessings. Dear Jesus, you have bestowed upon me a woman who’s my chief support. I ask, Jehovah, that you protect her and her family from those who would speak evil against her.
Grant her strength, kindness and intelligence to stand against those that want to hurt her. Do not allow her to be lead down a dark path away from your saving grace. Bless the two of us together Mighty Father, and let us get along more often. Please build up and fortify our relationship so in this way we may stay away from squabbles that tear so many siblings apart. And Dear Lord, I pray for kinder words to utter every time I speak, and for more patience to deal with my sister in law. Similarly, give her more patience with me and let us work through our differences calmly, in ways that only draw us closer together and not split us apart.
Mary Mother of God, grow my sister in law into a woman of God. I beseech you to guide her footsteps toward a brighter, bubblier future full of hope and love. What’s more, I pray that you give her friends that both protect and support. And when it comes to her career and her family, let them be as satisfying to her as it is to you.
Mighty Lord, all I want is the best for my sister in law. No matter the number of times we may argue or annoy each other, there is none other I want close to me. She really is my sister, and I love her just like my own blood. So this day, I offer her up wholly to you for your blessings. I do so that you may place your hand on her life and bless the works of her hands. And lastly, I want to thank you for all the things you’ve done for me, even the ones I can’t see I cannot see. I pray this trusting and believing in Jesus,
For Protection Though Struggles
Our Father who at in heaven, You and You alone are the provider of every good thing under the sun. That we might know love, friendship, support, and companionship in this life, You established the family out of Your goodness. And for that we are ever grateful.
Among Your gifts Dear God is my wonderful Sister in law, whom You have given us out of the abundance of your grace. I pray that you watch over her every day and send the protection of Your mighty angels to guide her through trials and tribulations. Only You Adonai, through Your mighty power can You discern the thoughts and conditions of all your children.
As close as I am to my in law, I surely can’t see what God sees or feel what you feel. You alone know the wars she is battling with in her heart. Giver of life, comfort my sister in law, your daughter in her time of dissension. In this her season of struggle and despair, help her plow through it. Take this cup, this heavy burden away from her, Almighty Father God, and yoke herself unto her, so she may finish this tough race in faith and win her crown of life.
I pray this trusting that you will keep my sister in law safe in the love of Your Son, Jesus.
For Healing And Revival
We call unto you the Great Healer, You are our mighty healer of both body and soul. You have given us forgiveness, divine healing, and everlasting peace with You, by the stripes of Your Son Jesus. Today, I come before you on behalf of my wonderful sister in law.
Dear God, you know very well that when it comes to helping others, my Sister has always been one to lend a hand. Unfortunately, she finds herself in dire need of both physical and spiritual healing. Virgin Mary, wash over her with a healing Spirit over her. Let our prayer reach the Lord and plead the blood of your son for divine healing and restoration.
For you are a Sovereign God, and all life flows forward from You. Apart from You, and in You, all things subsist, Nothing at all exists outside of You. You are the polisher of our waning faith, and architect of our fates. So Almighty God, on behalf of my wonderful sister in law I come to you asking for your healing mercies.
Let her remain under your vigilant watch at all times Holy Father. And through we might walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we will not forget that You are the Good Shepherd. So please heal my sister in law’s body, and bring her wandering soul back into Your fold. Defend her in this her time of vulnerability and make her whole again,
If you’re looking for more prayers for your family, you can check out this prayer for an alcoholic son, for unfaithful husband, mother in law, or this one for a pregnant daughter.
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