There’s nothing more upsetting and frustrating than seeing someone you know and care about in a coma. Nothing or no one prepares you for that and what lies ahead. There are a number of ways you can go about the situation. For one, you can seek God. Prayers can provide comfort in times like these. Ask Him to restore their health and give them strength and courage to fight.
God is great healer and nothing is impossible with Him. Put your trust in Him. He knows, He sees and He Cares. I hope you find these prayers for someone in a coma helpful and encouraging.
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5x Prayer For Someone In A Coma

Prayer for Strength and Courage to Fight
Dear Almighty God, I come before you today to lift up those stuck in hospital beds fighting for their dear lives to You. They feel helpless and are in great need of Your mercy and grace. Please come through for them. Help them to let go of the fear and boldly trust that You’re in control of the situation. Please let them find peace in Your presence and see Your intention and purpose in their lives O’ Lord. Let them know that You love and care about them.
When these precious people feel they can’t carry on with the fight or the burden becomes too heavy to bear, remind them of Your faithfulness. You freed Your people from bondage, captivity and oppression, so there’s no obstacle that’s too big for You. Guide these people to Your promise land. Shine brightly on their dark days and let them know who You are. You are a miracle worker and great deliverer. Give them strength they need to continue fighting and courage to brace whatever lies ahead.
Please send Your angels to watch over them as they wait for Your deliverance. I know with You in control, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. I’m confident that in Your time, these people will regain consciousness and Your name will be glorified. In the Mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.
Prayer for Restoration of Health
Lord, You are true and faithful. I’m amazed by Your love, goodness and faithfulness to us even though we don’t deserve it. You’ve shown us time and time again why you deserve all the glory and honor. Nobody really compares to You, O‘Lord. I’m here today asking You to have mercy and compassion on my friend and others who are fighting the same fight.
You’re the giver of life and source of health. You are greater than everything so there’s no illness You can’t heal. Stretch you healing hand and deliver these people from their distress, Lord. Let them know You are within them and in Your own perfect time, You will build them up again. Walk with these people every step of the way and teach them to trust the plan and purpose You have for them.
O’ Mighty Healer, please don’t leave anyone behind in this journey. Sustain them with Your grace and comfort them with sense of Your presence during this difficult journey. Help them to remember that this too shall pass. Thank You for Your love and mercy that graces us each day. I pray this, believing and trusting that You’ll answer my prayer. Amen.
Prayer for Hope
Righteous God, thank You for Your divine grace and mercy in our lives. Forgive us for sometimes forgetting that You love us and have plans for each and every one of us. I’m calling upon You today to show Yourself strong on behalf of all coma patients and their families. You can restore all things according to Your will, so I know You can wake up these people out of a coma no matter how long it has been.
Father, fill these people Your hope and remind them You’ll always be there for them even when everything feels hopeless. Help them have confidence in your tender loving care. Keep them afloat when this load threatens to drown them. When fear cripples them, give them strength to surrender everything to You and move forward in Your will. In depths of despair, give them hope. Let them not give up in trusting Your will for them. I believe in Your own perfect timing You will prove Yourself trustworthy. You deserve all the glory and adoration Father. May Your Holy name be honored each and every day. Amen.
Prayer for Patient’s Family
Heavenly father, I know this period is hard for the families of coma patients. I may not know what they are going through, but You are all knowing and all seeing. You know and fully understand what these families are going through. Please come and show these people Your mercy and grace for it is only You who can deliver them from their distress. Let them know You are in it with them and at the right time, You will turn their sorrow and despair into joy.
Dear God, these families have made huge sacrifices for their ailing family members. Some have put their lives on hold to care for the loved ones. Others have been crippled by the financial burden of treatment. The emotional, physical and financial strain can take toll on these family caregivers, so I ask You to comfort them with Your love just like You promised. Strengthen their faith when it is weak and calm their troubled hearts and minds.
Provide and take care of these people, emotionally and financially O’ gracious God. Grant them strength and courage to face the everyday challenges. Help them not to fear or give up, but to put their hopes in You. And when things don’t go as hoped, help them find peace. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
A Short Prayer for Health Care Professionals
Lord, thank You for the medical professionals who labor to care for the coma patients. Bless and protect them as they serve these patients. Give them the wisdom and grace they need to make sound decisions every day. Strengthen their minds and souls when they don’t see any improvement or the patient’s condition worsens. In the Mighty name I pray. Amen.