Are you planning a wedding rehearsal dinner? Featured in this page are several great prayers and blessings to utter at your wedding rehearsal. If you can’t get a cleric to deliver the prayer, you may do it yourself or find someone appropriate to do the honors.
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4x Prayer For Wedding Rehearsal Dinner

For the Couple
Father God, we are gathered here today in a spirit of gratitude and celebration. We thank you for the lovely miracle of bringing (name) and (name) together in marriage. As we celebrate the rehearsal dinner, we ask you to bless the couple to be wed, their family, and relationship.
Help them stay strong in the face of adversity and protect and treasure the joy of marriage. May happiness be a hallmark of their relationship. Help them establish a warm home, build a long life together as they explore their love for each other. And in times of difficulty, may they be strengthened by the encouragement of everyone gathered here and remember their commitment and love that brought them together.
But most of all Dear Lord, help us as the friends, family, and support system to commit fully to encouraging them to hold fast to the best of our ability. Let them learn from one another and grow strong as both couples and individuals. And as I wind up, please let this rehearsal be an honor to your name and bless the food that we are about to receive.
For the Food
Holy Mary Mother of God, blessed are your children and those who believe in Christ. Bless us all and pray for us. Almighty Father, we thank you for bringing the lovely couple together in such a happy way. We praise your holy name eternal God, who brings forth life and bread from the earth.
We give you thanks for your goodness and for creating this beautiful setting. For the abundance of family, we are ever grateful. For the abundance of love and laughter, we cannot thank you enough. And for the abundance of food on our table, we give a special thanks to you as well.
We pray that today’s meal might bring nourishment to our bodies and nourish all our relationships as well. In a world where so many are hungry, we eat all this food you have provided us with humble hearts. And in a world where so many are lonely and angry, we share our friendships and this union with joyful hearts.
May this food give new energy to tired limbs, restore our strength and bring renewed thoughts to our minds. May these drinks we are about to receive restore and rejuvinate our souls and give a brand new vision and mission to dry spirits as well as a renewed warmth to any cold hearts. And once we are full, may we give you all the thanks and worship you deserve oh Lord. We pray this trusting and Believing in Jesus’ Name,
For the Family
Our Father who art in heaven, and Lord of all creation, you promised us that where two or more are gathered in your Name, you will always be among them. We are gathered here tonight to celebrate the inspiring love of (groom) and (bride) as they share this rehearsal meal with us.
We thank your Holy nature for giving them your blessing to be wed and ask you to continue shedding your mercies and wisdom throughout their lives together. Let this prove just the first among many delicious meals shared with their now growing family, friends, and neighbors – all blessed wholly by Your amazing grace.
And together with the groom and bride to be, we as the family and friends ask that you hold them safely in your hands. We thank You for the gift of marriage and beseech you to richly bless the couple as they prepare to exchange vows and wedding rings. And once they are united in Holy matrimony, let them walk hand in hand into each and every blessing that you have planned for them.
We also thank you for all the food you have provided here. Please bless it as well as all those who have prepared it. We are eternally grateful for the fact that you are ever in our midst, and for the good fellowship we are currently enjoying. And just as this here meal makes us healthy and nourishes our spirit; grant the lovely couple a long, happy and healthy life together.
We give our beings and hearts to you in adoration Mighty Provider, and with open arms welcome Your Holy Spirit to forever walk with us all. We come to you in prayer trusting and believing that you have already delivered.
For The Union
Our God is a loving God, let us pray. Heavenly Father, one of the most beautiful and sanctified things is when the love between a man and woman matures into a loving marriage. Today, we celebrate the love that is more than evident between (name) and (name).
May you give them devotion and wisdom when it comes to creating order in their day to day lives. That they may be strengths to each other in a time of need, a comfort in sorrow, and councilor in time of perplexity. Let them be each other’s companions in times of joy and sadness alike.
Mary mother of God, let their spirits be closely knit together in the Lord’s will and their spirits show everyone that a union under God is blessed and holy. Grant them understanding that they may grow in peace both with you and one another every day of their lives.
And when they hurt each other Lord Jesus, when they don’t even want to talk to each other or can’t stand to be in the same room, give them grace to acknowledge and recognize both their faults so they can move on and seek each other’s forgiveness as well as yours.
And before we eat this food that you have mercifully provided for us, we ask that you bestow the gift of children to the couple and a Christian home so they may grow up to serve you. This we pray in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
I’ve put together a good collection of Catholic prayers for different occasions – here is a prayer for someone in a car accident, for your sister in law, for newly married couple, and here is one for conversion to Catholicism.