Graining weight can be easy but the effort required to equally lose the same weight is pretty hard. You have to be prepared to eat healthy, exercise regularly, drink lots of water, eat smaller portions of food. This will definitely require a lot of patience, dedication and self-discipline. But above all, the grace of God is sufficient. If you’re struggling with weight loss, say this prayer with the hope that God will make the journey a success.
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4x Prayer For Weight Loss

Self Control
God who is above everything, who with, everything is possible, I come to you praying for self-control. Lord help me to have discipline in my exercising and my eating habits. I really need to lose some pounds but the only way to achieve this is through self-control. I am aware of what am supposed to do to ensure i burn some calories. My habits need to change completely from what I was used to before. Lord intervene for I am not able to achieve this on my own. I need You to be here with me every step of the way.
At times i feel the urge to eat my favorite foods which are loaded with calories. The doctor gave me a list of what I am supposed to eat and what i should avoid. I was also advised on the portions that I am supposed to take in order to achieve results but still I find it difficult to be true to them. I am not disciplined, I always have this excuse, “I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me taking a tiny bite of this.” I know it is wrong and that’s why I come to you Lord Jesus to help me have self-discipline.
The doctor told me that if I don’t lose my weight there is the risk of heart problems. I don’t want to have such issues. That is not my portion in Jesus Name. The part about the food portion and eating healthy is where i feel that i falter but I trust in You Lord that you will hold my hand. You will lead me as I follow
Lord help me to find hope in your word.
Phillipians 4:13 by the power that Jesus Christ gives me, I have the power to face all conditions.
My Heavenly Father, give me the will to be patient throughout my weight loss journey. I go an extra mile and exercise some more even when I am tired and don’t feel like going on. I am not a very big fan of water but lately it has become my best friend. I don’t step out without a bottle of water. I skip meals even when I am so hungry and feel like my intestines are intertwined. I always expect to see results immediately even though it is not that easy. I feel like it is taking forever. I keep track of my weight and it is like I am not achieving results at the pace i would love to. My God teach me how to be patient.
Let me always dwell in Your word for a person lives by the word that proceeds from the mouth of the Lord. It is normal to face moments where our patience wears thin. Let me always remember that patience is a virtue and a fruit of the holy spirit.
Romans 8:24-25. The Bible tells us and encourages us that we were saved by hope that we can not really see. No one hopes for something that can be seen. We only hope for that which we cannot see and wait for it with patience.
Psalms 37:7-9. We are encouraged to be patient and wait for the Lord to act. We shouldn’t be worried about those who prosper or succeed in evil. We shouldn’t give in to worry or anger since it only leads to trouble. That those who trust in the Lord will inherit the land.
Lord I thank you for my body. I know that it is your temple and that you love me regardless of my body size. I am wonderfully and beautifully made. I offer my body to you with all it’s flaws. The stretch marks, excess skin, skin flaps and big tummy are getting on my nerves but give me acceptance.
I don’t want to see all these habits as a punishment but rather as a form of helping me nourish my body through eating healthy foods and exercising. Every time I mess up, I feel guilty, I feel like a failure and want to give up but i will endure.
I may be big but I still hold on to the fact that one day I will be free from this excessive weight. I will be able to do things that my situation has made me not to do. I will be able to interact with other people without having doubts. I will be able to accept myself later on even after I have managed to lose weight. That i will follow everything that I have been told to do by the doctor so that even after I have lost weight I will still look at myself and be happy and content with my looks.
Prayer For Forgiveness
My Jesus, my savior I humble myself to You asking for forgiveness. I admit that I really hated myself. I always felt that I was ugly. I was not grateful to You. I judged Your work yet when you made everything you looked at the earth and saw that it was beautiful. I hoped that I had another body and I even coveted others who were smaller in size. I always wished I had this and that and even doubted that you loved me, not remembering that I contributed a great deal to my weight gain by not keeping fit and eating healthy.
Oh Lord, You promised forgiveness and salivation to those who repent of their sins against You. You are the Lord of righteous people but for sinners like me you have made repentance possible. I have committed more sins than the grains of sand along the sea shore. I have made you angry but now I bow in deep humility, praying for your mercy. Remember me not for my mistakes but for the sake of my willingness to make amends. Forgive and accept me my God. Be with me through my weight loss journey and I believe I will emerge victorious. Thank you Jesus.
I pray all these through Jesus Christ our Lord.
You can find more personal prayers here.