According to the Bible, there are no better or worse days to be born. When you are born does not hold any importance in your faith.
But some people and cultures believe that being on certain days has special meaning. In this article, we explore the spiritual meaning of being born on Easter Sunday and a couple other Christian holidays.
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The Meaning of Easter Sunday In Christianity
Before we get into why some people think an Easter Sunday birthday is special, let’s discuss the day itself and what it means to all Christians.
On Easter Sunday, Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, three days after he died. The day is a powerful symbol of Jesus’ victory over death.
In the Catholic Church, Easter Sunday is the pinnacle of the lenten season. It comes just three days after the end of lent.
Easter Sunday also marks the end of the Holy Week, when Catholics commemorate the final days of Jesus on Earth, and the beginning of Easter season, a long period of 50 days when Catholics continue with celebrations of Jesus’ resurrection.
What’s The Spiritual Meaning of Being Born On Easter Sunday?
Easter is all about celebration. It’s one of the most important days in the lives of Christians, because that was when Jesus defeated death and rose into eternal victory.
Without his resurrection, there probably wouldn’t be christianity as we know it. In fact, most Christians regard Easter as a more important holiday than Christmas.
So if you were born on Easter Sunday, I’d say that’s a cause for double the celebration. Birth is already something to celebrate, being born on such a victorious day is even more joyous.
Some people say being born on Easter Sunday is a sign of good luck. They say that you’ll be followed by luck all your life. Or maybe you’ll have a bigger share of God’s blessings.
Others say that being born on Easter Sunday signifies new beginnings. Jesus rose from death, leaving his life on earth behind and later ascended to heaven.
You can use your Easter Sunday birthday to sort of reset your faith. Take the time to contemplate where you’ve fallen short in the past year and commit to starting anew and strengthening your faith.
Feel free to attach your own spiritual meaning to your birthday, one that helps you become a better person and a stronger Christian.
For instance, you could decide it’s the day to become a kinder person (the rest of the year, not just on Easter Sunday). Or maybe it could symbolize deep love for your neighbors and brethren, the same love that Jesus showed by dying for us.
How to Celebrate an Easter Sunday Birthday
Having your birthday coincide with Easter Sunday is great and all, but it can be tricky figuring out how to celebrate both your birth and the resurrection of Jesus.
Of course, Easter Sunday takes prominence over your birthday. After all, the resurrection of Jesus is a lot more important than any of our births. So don’t miss mass to go and have fun.
Remember that Sunday mass is a holy day of obligations, so it’s a sin to miss out on mass.
But there are some great ways you can celebrate an Easter Sunday birthday while still remembering the resurrection of Jesus. Here are some ideas.
- During mass, take the opportunity to thank God for another year of life. Reflect on the blessings God has granted you and pray for even more blessings the coming year.
- The Easter Sunday mass is also a great time to confess your sins to the priest or God. Take the time to reflect on where your faith was weak in the past one year and commit to doing better.
- If your family is having an Easter Sunday party, you can combine it with a birthday party. It’s like having an Easter themed birthday. You could have an egg hunt and cut a birthday cake on the same day.
- Some of us are not big on parties. A quiet Easter Sunday birthday is perfectly fine. After mass, go somewhere and get some quality alone time. It’s a great opportunity to reflect on your life and faith.
Spiritual Meaning of Being Born on Good Friday
If being born on Easter Sunday symbolizes victory and new beginnings, does being born on Good Friday symbolize death and bad luck?
Certainly not.
While Christians solemnly commemorate the painful torture and crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday, it is not by any means a sad day.
If anything, it’s one of the most important celebrations in the Christian faith. Jesus’ death on the cross was what saved us from sin. It’s how we got salvation. It’s even in the name: ‘Good’ Friday.
So, no, being born on a Good Friday does not mean your life will be filled with bad luck or that you’ll be surrounded by death.
It’s just as much a sign of good luck and blessing as Easter Sunday. Similar to Easter, it is a day of victory and celebration.
The only difference is that we remember the pain and suffering that Jesus went through for our sake. But that remembrance mostly brings us Joy because of the sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross.
If you want to attach any spiritual meaning to your Good Friday birthday, let it be joy, grace, love and sacrifice.
It’s a great day to contemplate whether you often extend God’s grace and love to others around you, the same way Jesus did on Good Friday.
Spiritual Meaning Of Being Born on Christmas
In many cultures, the month of December is associated with festivities, joy and happiness. It’s an even more joyous month of Christians because it’s when we celebrate the birth of Jesus.
Being born in December is already a special thing for many people. Being born on Christmas day itself is even more special.
Many people associate a Christmas day birthday with blessings, new beginnings and happiness. The same way the birth of Christ represented a change over from the old to the new, being born on Christmas can also represent renewal and change.
As you celebrate Christmas, it’s also an opportunity to reflect on the things, thoughts, actions or behaviors in your life that you need to get rid of and replace with better things.
Does It Matter When You Were Born?
It’s important that you don’t take the spiritual meaning of your birthday too seriously. The Bible nor the Church doesn’t say that certain days are more important to be born on.
Whether you were born on Easter Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas or any other day, it doesn’t matter at all when it comes to your life and faith.
If you are righteous and faithful, your life will be just as blessed and fruitful as that of any other true christian.
While it’s okay to associate specific days with certain things like good luck or success, it doesn’t mean that these things come automatically no matter what you do.
If you live a sinful life, it doesn’t matter what day you were born – you will reap the consequences of sin.
The opposite is also true. Being born on a certain day doesn’t predispose you to bad luck or failure in life regardless of what certain superstitions might say. It’s all about how you live your life and practice your faith.
Remember that each day is made and blessed by the Lord.
Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.
I was born on an Easter Sunday, and my wife was born on Christmas Eve.
It may not mean anything, but we are both from big families and it is really only myself and my wife who lead a spiritual life, and in my humble opinion, are the most kind, generous, forgiving of any of our family members. Make of this what ever you like…. Cheers.