In the Book of Psalm 72:6, the Bible says “He shall come down like rain upon the grass before mowing, Like showers that water the earth (NKJV)”. Most prophetic insights into this verse indicate that the coming of rain is a call to expectantly wait on God as we position ourselves for the things that He is doing.
In literature, rain has been used to give a higher level of insight into the emotional state of characters. It is also used to symbolize new life or renewal. The fact that rain is within everyone’s realm of experience is important. While rain sustains, the Bible has also shown us how it can bring devastation and death.
In the Book Genesis 7:4, the Bible describes the flood and how it was used as a means of judgement. The Old Testament prophets often referred to the destructive power of rain and the lack of it as experienced in droughts.
Last time we had a look at what walls and feathers mean in the Bible. Let’s talk a bit more about what does rain symbolize in the Bible.
What You'll Learn Today
Rain Symbolizing Change

The weather front forms the boundary between distinct conditions of the atmosphere. In essence, it is a ‘change zone.’ The Bible instructs us to be front watchers. In the Book of 1 Chronicles 12:32, the Bible asks us to be like
“the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do”.
The shift in the spiritual atmosphere that causes the rain could also symbolize the need to shift to a new level of consciousness in our lives, communities, nations, churches, and even on the global scene.
The Symbol Of The Holy Spirit
In the Book of Isaiah 44:3, the Bible records the following promise:
“For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, And floods on the dry ground; I will pour My Spirit on your descendants, And My blessing on your offspring;” (NKJV).
The Holy Spirit has been described using lots of symbols in the Bible one of them being rain. The nature of rain is that it is released from the skies above just like the Holy Spirit that descends from the heavenly realms.
God has several intentions for releasing the Holy Spirit like the rain upon the earth. Some of them include:
- Empowerment (Acts 2:17-18)
- Refreshment (Psalm 68:7-9)
- Restoration (Hosea 6:2-3)
- A harvest of souls (Isaiah 44:3-5)
Rain Signifies The Harvest

The Bible has drawn various relationships that tie together rain to crops and seasons. It mentions the latter rains and the early rains which are associated with the fullness of harvest.
In James 5:7 and the Book of Acts 2:16-17, the Bible refers to the latter rain as a symbolic meaning of the End Time Harvest of souls into God’s Kingdom.
The concept of the end times has always been misinterpreted to mean the physical end of the world. However, in spiritual terms, the End Times means that the billions of generations that are alive today may not have another opportunity to respond to the call of God.
A Symbol Of God Sovereignty

The fact that humans can do nothing to create rain or prevent its coming is a clear demonstration of God’s sovereignty over the weather and rain in this case.
Many cultures have mooted the idea of doing a rain dance whenever they want to pass the message to God to send rain. However, in most cases, the rain has been coming down based on His timing and grace.
The Turbulence Before Rain
You don’t need to be keen to experience the unstable weather as air masses of different densities and temperatures converge. Biblically and by extension prophetically speaking, a shift in the spiritual atmosphere also comes after some turbulence.
This is because God is so lofty to force Himself on human priorities, vision, and values. He expects us to respond to Him instead of containing Him.
God loves us and His desire is to give us seasons of rains and the Holy Spirit for guidance. Our duty is to look beyond the turbulence into the generosity of the Father that is somewhere beyond the clouds.
If you are looking for more symbols from the Bible, read this article about rainbow or this one about lightning.
I want to preach n teach well, Please help me
Hi Franklin,
There are no short cuts in serving the Lord. First of all love the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, mind and strength. Do you want to impress your audience or help them. Never read the HOLY BIBLE to preach. Read it carefully and prayerfully because you love the word. Whatever God speaks to you obey it fully and share those thoughts with others and I can guarantee you that those words will surely edify the believers.
May the Lord be with you
Johnson…. That was a glorious response!
I’m going to take that and walk with it.
Thank you Holy Spirit!
Omg!!! This is awesome, I l ok very what you have said to, Franklin, I’m also a teacher of the word of God, I also fo lots of corporate intercession and I often read the word of God right before teaching or praying. When you said never read the bible to preach I almost fell off the bed!!! I use to do that because I was so scared and nervous. I definitely want people to be helped, when I was much younger I have to admit I had those times where when people would compliment me on the teaching and prayers I took it all in but now much older and have been thru some serious storms in life and I want people to be helped, I dont want the limelight! Thank you so much for saying this, it has touched me deep and I’m so excited because what you have said is confirmation to me. God bless you!❤🙏🏽
I have been struggling very recently. I am fearful of darkness and siritually wicked principalities, thrones and dominions. As it seems that the prophecies of Revelations may be unfolding ,and although I am sure you may think I am ” crazy,” the truth is a long long time ago(26 years ago) I had a sort of ” encounter” with .. call it what you may.. and I am fearful for those I love, ,afraid they may be attacked because I would not submit. And afraid for all Christians, everywhere. And afraud for all who are o lose their precious souls to the devices of the Devil and his many minions. Just as I was worrying and such.. suddenly outside the window I heard rain begin to fall. There is an awning which amplifies the soothing sound. As it just began suddenly I opened the window thinking I may be mistaken , but it was raining rather robustly. I googled” Christian spiritual significance of rain.. and here was your wonderful explanation.. it stoped after approximately 5 minutes.. give or take a few.. enough for me to breathe deeply..panic..anxiety..sorrow.. subsiding.. although we are still in somber times.. now I feel so blessed.. so much calmer.. touched by grace. a beautiful serene acceptance of whatever happens.. I must gratefully and graciously endure. Like all of the faithful… Grace be tonyou through Jesys Christ ou r Lord and Saviour, almighty, everlasting,onward to a world without end. Selah.Much deep Thanks for your council.Sincerely,TARA
Hi Tara, fear and worry are two words that really sum up 2020. But those are not of our God but tactics of the enemy. God has given us power over the enemy by the blood of Jesus. I’m so thankful how He has brought us through by His power and continues to do so. Thank you for openly sharing so we can all learn to draw our strength from Him. He is faithful and trustworthy. Praying for you to continue to walk in His presence. Love your sister in Christ. Julie
Dear Julie
I’d stick to the church approved prophecies and leave the rest behind …..
God bless you
I had a dream that i was outside of some building talking with a friend.
She was holding a book in her hand. I believe it was a Bible.
It was chilly out,but then it started to rain.
I said, wow! This rain in warm. I threw my arms open and said,” This feels great!!”
Suddenly the rain drops began to get very big and round. Then they changed into shapes of fruit.
We were laughing with joy and amazement and saying, Wow! Look! Their shaped like fruit.
Then i woke up.
I have an idea of what i think it means, but i was wondering what your thoughts were.
Thank you
Understand the Bible and read it and understand that God is not catholic God is Christian, follow Jesus Christ to enter and receive the holy spirit which God gives. Not catholicism as it is a false doctrine of Muhammad and the pope.
As Christians we must not worship idols and false prophets.
Matthew 7:15. “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s …
1 John 4:1. Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see …
Matthew 24:24 For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform …
2 Peter 2:1 But false prophets also arose among the people,
I believe, our God is not Christian but Christ. Yes, I was a Catholic but I had to quietly come out of it as I could understand it is the counterfeit religious Christianity as being described in the book of Revelation chapter 17. It explains the location as in Rome. In Revelation 18:4,we have a solemn direction in which God asks us to come out of her so that we may not participate in her sins and that you may not receive of her plagues
When I was 34, I was in my house with my wife at the time, praying and worshiping God when all of a sudden large silver clear droplets of rain started quietly falling in the living room. They weren’t wet droplets but falling slowly but plentiful, my eyes were were open and I was in my right mind! It was the one of 2 most beautiful things I ever experienced in my life. My wife never saw anything. When I told her she never believed me. My 1st spiritual experience I ever encountered was when I was 12, 6 other kids and I were playing late at night in the back yard of a friends house. Parents were in house playing cards drinking etc. It was very dark out except this large beautiful white cloud was illuminated. On this cloud 2 of us saw a large man standing on the edge of the cloud looking down at us. He features were defined and clear with a full white robe, he had a full white beard, long white hair and stood with his hands crossing each other in front of him. We were freaked out and quickly ran inside the house to tell our parents but told us to go back outside. We did looked up and he was gone but the beautiful illuminated cloud remained. What does this mean?
When I was younger I prayed rainbows to surround all my loved ones with love and protection from our precious father. One night in a dream I was looking out my bathroom window and it started pouring down rain into my face. I turned my head to look to the front of our house and all of a sudden our Heavenly Father appeared in the sky over the houses across the street and gestured to me – His Son to His right in the sky and said to me “This is my rainbow to you – your Savior – my PROMISE to you of eternal salvation.”
My daughter and I went for a walk in a large park. We were in open field with no trees. No birds overhead. At the exact same time, she felt a rain drop in her right wrist and one hit me in the forehead on the right side near the hair line. We both went to wipe our drops away when we both froze! There was no water!! We both felt this was rain from heaven. This is NOT the first time something like this has happened. On October 23, 2020 we had fallen asleep watching a movie. We BOTH heard a trumpet sound in heaven and it woke us straight out of our sleep! I was astonished she was given ears to hear it too!
A number of years ago, my then wife and I were in our living room worshipping the Lord, when I opened my eyes inside my living huge silver droplets were silently falling. The room was full of the droplets! It was the 2nd most beautiful thing I have ever seen! My then wife did not see it! Why did the Lord show me this?
Dear God, Can You Please Make It Rain Heavy In Oxnard CA Right Away God And Can You
Please Make It Rain Heavy In Geyserville CA Right Away God
Dear God, Can You Please Make It Rain Heavy In Oxnard CA And Can You Please Make It Rain Heavy Right Away In Oxnard CA God Can You Also Make It Rain Heavy In Geyserville CA Right Away God You Should Make It Rain Heavy In Geyserville CA Right Now God
Dear God, Can You Please Make It Rain Heavy In Oxnard CA Right Away God And You Should Make It Rain Heavy In Oxnard CA Right Now God
Dear God, Can You Please Make It Rain Heavy In Oxnard CA Right Away God You Should Make It Rain Heavy In Oxnard CA Right Now God
Yes Ventura County needs some rain.