Prayer For Mind Cleansing And Clarity

It is really important to have peace in our minds for us to handle issues better and even be happy in our lives. Whenever we are not at peace with ourselves and others, many things go wrong. We therefore need to pray to God to give us peace in our hearts and minds.

2x Prayer for Mind Cleansing and Clarity

2x Prayer for Mind Cleansing and Clarity

Prayer for Providence, Peace and Strength

Jesus Christ our savior, I thank you for your abundant blessings in my life. Thank you for my life and health. Thank you for your grace and mercy to me. Thank you for your protection and your faithfulness. Lord forgive me for all the sins I have made, knowingly or unknowingly. I ask you to give me the strength I need in order to overcome the stress that I have right now. Lord calm my troubled heart and give me peace of mind. I worry alot about things that I cannot change and now I beseech you to remove the worries that I constantly feel from my heart and mind.

Lord I have even developed stomach ulcers because of the stress I feel. The doctor has told me that if I don’t stop stressing out myself it would become worse. The pain I always feel in my tummy is unbearable. I have used different medications but I have not gotten better. Lord I know that the treatment I need is to stop thinking alot. To remove any worries and stress that I have from my mind but how do I achieve this on my own? Lord please help me and intervene on my behalf.

Almighty God, right now I find it difficult to provide for my family and myself. I do not have employment. I have sent my resume to so many different companies but I have not received even one mail asking me to report for an interview. My debts are piling up and the people I owe are not giving me moments of peace. Lord I need to pay up these debts and I can only do that when I have an income. I am stressed so much because I don’t know what to do anymore. Lord please come to my aid and help me find the solution I need in order not to languish in debts.

God our healer, I have a sick person in the house. I am not able to afford her treatment. I was told that she needs urgent medical attention so that the problem does not escalate into something worse. My hands are tied. I have tried to ask friends and family for help, but I have not been able to raise the required amount for treatment. I thank you for the help that I have received and pray that you open doors so that a miracle would happen and she would be able to receive treatment.

God my provider, you know that I need to take my children to school but am not able to do that right now because I have not been able to raise money for school fees. Lord Jesus I have tried every means possible to come up with it but I have not been successful. I do not want to resort to extreme measures and evil in order to achieve this. I have a lot of pressure from my children Lord and I don’t want to disappoint them. Help me my Lord to raise the fees. I know that you will not ashame me my God and you will ease my stress by providing for me.

Lord I have bills to pay. One thing that is really stressing me out right now is paying the rent. Almighty God my Landlord has told me to pack out the next month if I would not pay the rent. Whatever I am getting right now is only enough to feed us. Even if I would start saving a little from the one I get, I would not be able to come up with the rent by next month. What will I do? I do not have enough money to rent another apartment. Lord please provide a way for me by getting gainful employment.

Lord put your peace in my mind and heart. I can’t help but think about my problems and the more I think the more I feel stressed. Lord you are bigger and more powerful than my problems that is why I come to you. You know best what is your will towards my life. It may not be what I want but I still ask you because you told us to ask and it will be given to us. If it’s your will then please provide for my needs and ease my stress. Heal me from my depression and give me a clear mind free from worries.

Lord let me find hope in your word Jeremiah 31:17-18 that there is hope for my future. Lord give me the strength I need in order to calm my troubled mind. Like in John 16:33, let me remember that in you I have peace and I should take courage in you because you have conquered the world. Guide my path and let peace reign in my mind, heart, family and everything I do and lay my hands on. Give me the strength I need and the hope of everything being okay. I put my trust in you Lord. I know that whatever it is that you have planned for me, is for my good and that you will come to my aid and give me peace and clarity in my mind and heart as I continue to love and serve you.


Prayer of Surrender and Cleansing

Lord I ask you to forgive me of all my sins. I desire to surrender everything I am and striving to be in your hands. I invite your Holy Spirit into my heart and life to dwell inside of me. I offer my life, mind, heart, body and soul to you. Do to me as you please. I surrender to you everything I have and everything I am. I ask you to wash me clean with your most precious Blood and set me free from the bondage of sin and lead me to life everlasting.

Lord Jesus help me to be like you. To live in righteousness and do only that which pleases you. I am only human and am bound to make mistakes. I have sinned against you in my thoughts, my words, in what I have done and what I have failed to do. I have also sinned against others and myself Lord. I ask you to have mercy on me and blot out my transgressions. Wash me from my iniquities and cleanse me from my sins thoroughly. Create in me Lord a clean heart and put your Holy Spirit inside of me to guide me towards the right path.

Jesus help me to have a forgiving heart. To be able to forgive all those people who have hurt me in the past. Help me to realize that it is only through forgiveness that our hearts are healed. Through your help and mercy I now forgive each and every one that has wronged me and I release them from my heart.

Lord I pray that you to heal and remove whatever is causing stress and worry in my heart. Wash my mind with your Blood so that I may receive healing and cleansing. Help me to have a clear mind and to always put my troubles, hope and trust in you. Only you can help me and save me, that is why I surrender my whole to you that you do with me whatever it is that you please and wish.

I pray all these through Christ our Lord and plead with Mother Mary to pray for me to her son Jesus Christ.


If you are looking for more Catholic prayers, why don’t you check out these for suicidal victims, or these for clear skin.

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