Cancer is a word that scares a lot of people, and for a good reason. It’s very vicious and takes every ounce of you. The perfect definition of thiefer of joy and inflictor of pain. While it can be treated, especially when caught early, sometimes it can’t be controlled or never completely goes away; hence death is inevitable.
Knowing the last stage of life is near can take a mental and emotional toll on those dying of cancer and their families. But prayers can offer them the comfort and peace that they need.
So, if you know anyone dying of cancer, just take a few minutes and pray for them. These powerful prayers are sure to remind them of God’s love towards them, and that they may see the goodness and faithfulness of the Lord through it all.
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5x Prayer For Someone Dying of Cancer

Prayer for Gratitude
O’ God of all creations, we’re here to give thanks for your amazing love and the gift of *John’s life. You knew him before he was conceived in his mother’s womb and know the exact hour his soul will rest. We may not understand why cancer took root in his body, but You’re sovereign and in control of everything. Besides, the Bible reminds us that all things work together for good to those who love You. So we ask you to open our eyes to trust and accept your plans for our friend.
Lord Jesus, thank You for all you’ve done in John’s life. The highs and the lows. The triumphs and the failures. The laughs and the cries.
Thank you for giving us the privilege of knowing this amazing soul. He has been a blessing in our lives, the light that made our lives and those close to us bright. It’s hard for us to accept we’ll never get to see or create new memories with John, but we’ll be forever grateful for the time we shared.
Now that the end appears close let him rest, knowing that we love and care for him so deeply, and he’ll remain in our hearts forever. Heavenly Father, let Your will be done. Amen.
Prayer for Strength and Comfort
Abba Father, our strength and provider, our beloved *John is nearing his last days on earth. We do not know the day or the hour. You’ll call him home to rest, but we can feel it’s soon. May you grant him the strength to overcome whatever lies ahead. Deliver him from all aspects of pain, physical or emotional, and please cover him with your precious blood in these uncertain times. Remind him that You’re the shepherd and his Your lamb. You’ll guide and stay with him as he walks through the gates of death.
Lord Jesus, the God of all comfort and Father of mercies, surround our treasured brother John with your tender love so that he may feel your presence. Comfort him with your promise of eternal life to those who believe. Our Lord and God, thank you for your love and death on the cross for our sins. We bless Your Holy Name, Amen.
Prayer for Acceptance
Dear God, who art in heaven, we come to you today with a heavy heart because our *brother John is going through the most difficult time of his life. His soul and body are giving in after a hard-fought battle with this disease. We all have a lot of questions, but Your thoughts are far greater than ours. Just give us the understanding to know that everything comes from you. You’re all-powerful, loving, just, righteous, and regardless of how we all feel, we pray for Your will to be done.
We know facing death can be a gruesome and frightening experience, so Lord, we ask you to take John’s hand and walk with him through it all. Let him sense your presence. Give him strength and courage to accept Your will in his life. Take away any fear, anxiety, or bitterness that he may have in his heart and fill it with peace, love, and joy. Father God, make Yourself be known. Amen.
Prayer for a Peaceful Death
Almighty God, giver, sustainer, and taker of life, You sent Your only son to die for our sins so that we can all have the free gift of eternal life. We believe when our friend *John leaves us, he’ll be at peace with You in heaven. There, he’ll find rest after all the pain, anguish, and distress cancer has put him through.
Your peace surpasses any human comprehension. Let John rest knowing he has fulfilled his purpose here on earth. Let him know his burden has been lifted. His body and soul are free. And he’ll never experience pain or loss again.
John, as you prepare to return to the One who made you, may the peace of the Lord be with you now and forever. May your forever home be with God and all the Angels in Heaven, Amen.
Prayer for the Family
Lords of Lords, Kings of Kings, Maker of Heaven and earth, we commit *John’s family to your able hands today. They may not understand why their beloved is leaving them so soon, but You’re sovereign and all-knowing.
Heavenly Father, these people are fearful and hurting. Please ease their sorrow and pain. Give them the strength and courage to cope with the grief ahead and the wisdom to find better ways to care for and support him. Open their hearts and minds to accept that John is dying and prepare for it.
While time is short, please let them create beautiful memories along the way, no matter how difficult or challenging the journey gets. Let it draw them closer to each other and not apart.
And when the time finally comes, may they recognize that You Are God, and help them see the good in all that You do. Thank you Jesus, Our Lord and savior, for I know you’ll replace their sorrows with amazing, unending love. Amen.
You can find more prayers for your relatives who are suffering here, and prayers for people in a coma here.